We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Moral Focus Award

Every month Cohen's school has a moral focus for the month. This month's moral focus was Perseverance. If you ask Cohen what Perseverance is he will answer you with "Just keep trying." Cohen has struggled with this. He is a lot like his mom and dad and wants to get everything perfect and on the first try. But he has really been working at slowing down and taking his time. While we are not there all the time we have definitely seen progress. So we were sooo excited when we got the letter sent home that Cohen was chosen as one of the recipients of the Moral Focus award this month. This assembly is for Y-5's thru 2nd grade. Parents are also encouraged to attend. So Keith told work he would be in a little late and joined me and the girls for the assembly. It was so fun to see Cohen file in with his class mates and search the crowd for us. And like the embarrassing parents that we are, we waved frantically at him. And in pure Cohen fashion he got a smirk on his face and threw his hand up as if to say "hey I see ya." :) Kendall wanted to know where CoCo was and why she couldn't go by him. But both girls did very well being quiet thru the entire assembly.

The assembly started with a story by the 1st grade class about a mouse who had perseverance trying to get to the other side of a wall to meet other mice. It was pretty cute :)  Then Cohen's principle, Mr. Bartels started to call off names of the students who were receiving awards and how they had shown perseverance. Cohen's friend Byron was called for an award but was too shy to stand in front of anyone. Keith and I got a little nervous about what Cohen would do! But like a champ when his name was called he popped right up, shook Mr. Bartel's hand and stood in the line holding his certificate for all to see. I was soo proud of my little man!!!!

The Perseverance skit

"Cohen Gregory!!!"

Love this face

Proud mommy and her little man!!

Your dad and I are sooo very proud of you
you have such a gentle heart 
you are always thinking of others
you are such a good big brother
you are a big helper to mom, dad and your sisters
We are soo thankful to God for the gift that you are to 
"our zoo"

With love from the zoo 

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