We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Look who's 5!!

I can't believe I can say I have a 5 year old son!! How time flies!! When I think back on these past 5 years all I can do is smile and thank God for the blessing that is my son. If I am truly honest when we found out we were pregnant with Cohen I had a hard time. Keith and I had only been married for 2 years and I felt like we had sooo much more on our "to do without kids" list. But God always knows best and now I can't imagine my life with out Cohen. From the moment we heard "It's a boy" I have truly been in love and can't describe what being a mom has done to me. It's amazing how something sooo small can be so life changing! I am truly thankful that even in the rough times how being a mom is truly a blessing!!
          We celebrated Cohen's birthday this past Sunday with our family. Cohen is currently OBSESSED with dinosaurs!! So needless to say it was a dinosaur birthday party!! He was sooo excited to open presents and spend time with all of his favorite people :)

Cohen's actually birthday fell on Tuesday. His teacher informed us that this week Cohen would be the "King of the Jungle" and on Tuesday I was invited not only to bring in a birthday treat but also to read a book to his class. It was sooo fun to see Cohen in his new little world! When I arrived at his room his teacher pulled Cohen to the front of the classroom and lead everyone in a round of "Happy Birthday." Cohen had a snicker on his face the whole time as if to say "I am really embarrassed but loving this at the same time." Cohen then handed out his birthday treat and I read "The very hungry caterpillar" to the class. That evening was the school open house and Cohen was super excited to show off his room and all the fun things they have been doing.

The classroom - they are learning about A and apples

Showing daddy the reading rug

Cohen's spot at his table

King of the Jungle

Our birthday boy

as you continue to grow we pray that you will always have such a gentle heart and such a passion for life!! We pray that you will grow to be a Godly man and that you will always show love to those around you!! Love forever and always, 
Daddy, Mommy, Kendall and Kirsten

with love from the zoo

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