We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

God is in control

Well today did not go as we planned. We have had August 8th on the calendar for months now and have eagerly awaited what would be in store for us today. I knew when we were told that baby was due on the 8th that it wouldn't happen that way with both of my previous pregnancies ending with inductions. So when we were told we could schedule induction on our actual due date we were pretty excited and really believed today would be the day we would meet our new little one. We arrived at the hospital and after dropping the kids with my mom so she could take them over night, we got registered and headed to our room. We were greeted with a friendly smile of our nurse Jessica and got settled in our room. I was hooked up to my I.V and we went over what to expect. Keith turned on the tv and we began watching the Olympics - preparing for a long night. Little did we know that would change.
       In walked the on-call Dr and an intern. They had come to check how dialated I was and figure out what type of drugs they would start me on. After joking that I was probably still only at a 1, we found out I was actually at a 3! Great news! But Dr. wasn't so sure about babies positioning. So she decided to do an ultrasound. After what felt like an eternity of them taking pictures of baby - the horrible news hit. Baby had turned and was now laying sideways. It was like a hammer to my heart- I knew what that meant = C-section! I have watched enough of TLC's Baby Story to know what they were going to tell me. So after some medical lingo and telling me they were sorry and that they would call my dr to let her know - they left and I melted! I was almost hysterical. Not so much about the surgery - that being scary enough but the after math. The recovery and not being able to get around as fast, taking more time off of work, and feeling like my kids were going to suffer because I was going to be laid up for so much longer. All I could say to Keith was "I don't want to do it, I can't do it, I can't do it!! "
        After about 25 min of crying my eyes out the on-call Dr. came back in and said that my Dr. told her that with me having had 2 vaginal births and baby having been head down not even a week ago said that we are going to try to move baby back into position. Baby has been there once and hopefully we can get baby back there. So I know I have gone on long enough but it looks like we are being sent home tonight and we are going in Friday morning to try flipping baby. If that works we will start induction and if not we are still looking at doing a C- section.
         I am putting my trust in God. He knows what is best for me and for baby and if that means C-section then I have to suck it up and do what is best for my child. In the mean time though I am going to be PRAYING HARD that this procedure works and would ask you to join me. I really want to do this with out surgery! Thanks for reading this and we will keep you posted! With love from the zoo


  1. I am so SORRY!!!!! I am praying hard that this all works out and you can deliver without surgery, Carrie! But if it turns out that this is what the baby needs, you can do it! Either way you have our love, our prayers, and all the support we can possibly give you. - Mom

  2. Dearest Carrie,
    We are praying. We prayed for you in staff devotions this morning, too. God has the perfect plan for you and baby, and He will provide you with whatever you need.
    Love to you

  3. So sorry Carrie!!! I will be praying that baby does turn on his/her own by Friday and stay there! I found some "positions" online that were supposed to help a baby turn and they did with Isaac -maybe they would for you too? I was also induced via breaking my water with him to try and start labor fast so he didn't have as much time to turn back. Not sure suggestions are what you need right now so my apologies if it's more annoying than helpful. I will be praying for you and the little one... it's not easy I am sure but you are being an AWESOME momma to your little peanut right now!!! Love ya. -Jenn
