We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Birth Story of Kirsten Olivia

So she's here!!!!!! After our last post it was all about WAITING! Baby was in position but not dropping. The nurses said the game plan was looking like we would be doing a "controlled rupture" in the O.R just in case something happened and we needed to proceed with a C-section. I couldn't believe that "C-section" was still on the table. I thought with all we had done that we were done with that conversation!!
         The O.B doctor came in some time later to check how things were going and before I knew it he was saying that he was going to break my water right there in the room. Another huge answer to prayer! So he broke my water and not to be gross but I think I lost about 10 lbs right then! The Dr just kept saying "no wonder baby wasn't going anywhere - baby was in a huge pool just floating around. I haven't seen so much fluid!" Good to know :) Apparently this is the summer all my kids fall in love with swimming :)
           Almost immediately the contractions started and were really intense! I told Keith I didn't think the epidural was working because I never remembered feeling so much with Cohen or Kendall's labor. But by the time we called the nurse to figure out what to do it was go time and there was no stopping things. After some of the most intense pain I have ever felt and being coached by the best labor coach ever ( love you babe ) we finally got to meet this little person that we had anticipated for 9 months - Kirsten Olivia - 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 in long!!
            The doctor and nurses laid Kirsten on my chest after delivery. We were in love!! But we also noticed Kirsten was very blue and having a hard time breathing. The nurses took her to her bed and began their assessments. They said they thought she had taken in too much fluids and was having a hard time getting it out. They were going to take her to the nursery/NICU to evaluate her. Again my plan had to change and I had to put all my trust in these nurses to do what was best for my baby! I just kept saying to myself "GOD IS IN CONTROL, GOD IS IN CONTROL" and I kept telling myself how many people were praying not only for me but also for her. I trusted that!!
            I got cleaned up and Keith took me to the nursery to see Kirsten about 25 min later. I felt sooo helpless as I saw her in that bed with a plastic box on her head pumping her with oxygen. Her little chest was rising and falling so fast. I just wanted to sweep her up and hold her and tell her everything would be okay. I wanted to kiss her!! That was soo tough. But the nurse was great and a U of M fan so Keith and I felt very comfortable leaving Kirsten in her care :)
           From a low to a high - I headed down the hall to my new room and was greeted by in-laws and my two little treasures! Cohen and Kendall were anxious to open their presents from Kirsten. We did this with Cohen when Kendall was born to let him know he was still very special to us and that we were very proud of them for being such wonderful big siblings.
           Well it was a very long day with many highs and lows but in the end we really felt all the prayers and support and would not have been able to do it without them. We will keep you posted on when we can finally see Kirsten and hold her. But for now here are some pictures to give you a little peak into our day :)

Kirsten Olivia

One of the best nurses ever - Amanda

Checking Kirsten's Vitals

Hooked up to Oxygen

Family photo - minus Kirsten :(

Big sibling gifts

Kirsten in her oxygen tent

She looks just like her brother!!!!
Cohen on the left - Kirsten on the right

With love from the Zoo

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for all of you. As soon as I saw the first picture, I said she looks just like Cohen :) We pray she is in your arms very soon.
    Phil and Nancy a.k.a. Nana and Papa
