We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Let's Try This Again...

We were scheduled to show up this morning at 5:30am at the hospital to attempt an "inversion". After being checked in and shown to our room, gown on, in bed, the nurse who was hooking me up to my baby heart monitor began to check my belly for a place to put the heart rate monitor. Upon doing so, she notice the heartbeat was very strong near the side of my belly. She then asked me which way baby was laying and when I told her, she felt down on the bottom of my belly and felt something hard. She didn't want to get my hopes up, but said we would do an ultrasound to check and see where baby was at. Once the resident doctor came in and began to scan my stomach with the ultrasound machine, she put the wand on the bottom of my belly and low and behold the first thing we saw was a HEAD! I couldn't believe it, the power of  prayer and my aggressive exercises I was doing last night has worked and I was able to forego the "inversion". It is now 12:30pm and I am dilated to a "5". However, baby is still in position, but not moving down any more and trying VERY hard to stay inside. Last report from the doctors was that they would be bringing me into the O.R. shortly to attempt a "forced rupture" in which they would hold baby in place and then break my water. Assuming that goes well, I will officially be out of the woods for a C-Section, if it fails, my worst fears will be revealed. So please keep praying hard and consistently that we can avoid the C-section and move forward with a natural delivery. My amazing Dr came to visit me this morning to do the inversion only to find out that it had taken care of it itself. I was so happy that Keith finally got to meet her and see how caring and loving she is. It was then I was delivered a little disheartening of news in that my Dr. was going to be working today out of her office in Wayland instead of being here to delivery this baby. She did however tell me that she didn't think I would deliver until later this afternoon or early evening. That being said, she is planning to call the hospital once she is out of work and if I am far enough along, will return to deliver our blessing. So I am hoping she will come back, but if not, I will just chalk it up to the experience and be grateful to hold my precious baby. I am in high spirits, but very fatigued and looking forward to putting this all behind me and beginning my new life as a mother of "3". The epidural is in, but I am still awaiting it to take full affect. You can see below how brave I was (Keith's words). Your continued prayers, emails, text messages, posts and thoughts are sincerely appreciated, received and loved. I will have the zoo's scribe update you all again soon, with what I hope to be a birth announcement.

With Love from the Zoo-

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to refresh this page in the morning and read about Kirsten's arrival! :-D
