We have been married for over 7 years. We were high school sweethearts and our love grew from there. We always knew we wanted a family and were thrilled when we found out we were expecting the first time. Cohen joined our family and our life has never been the same!! Kendall joined us a little while later and we were amazed at how different girls can be from boys :) We have now added another little character to our zoo. We are so thankful for God's blessings and can't wait to see where He takes us.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meeting Kirsten

Well it was the longest night of my life! I just wanted the sun to rise faster so I could finally see and hold my little girl!!! It just didn't seem right that I was in this hospital gown, in a hospital bed, in some pain with nothing to show for it! I wanted her with me!! So finally morning came and I got the news that Kirsten was having a chest x-ray just to make sure things were going well. Her respiration was looking better and she was able to stay off the oxygen all night so they were hopeful I would be able to feed/ hold her at 11:00. The clock ticked by soooo slow. I got up took a shower, had a little breakfast and watched some Olympics and then finally they came to tell me I could finally see her! I couldn't get down to the nursery fast enough! And there she was - just as beautiful as I remembered! The nurse took out of the crib and handed her to me. I always forget how small they are and that wonderful newborn smell. I started to cry. I was soo happy to finally have my little princess in my arms!! And I think she was happy to see me - she latched right on and ate like a champ. The nurse sat next to me watching the monitors to see how she did with her breathing while she nursed. And she kept up her oxygen levels!!! I was sooo happy!! Kirsten was given a bath and I was told I could take her back with me. As I walked out of the nursery the nurse says "I am probably not going to see her anytime soon will I." I told her my room number and said "stop by anytime but she will be with me." :)
              My parents had the kids so Keith headed up to the hospital to finally hold his little girl. We were able to spend some time just the 3 of us. It felt so much better to have her in the room! A few hours later, my parents brought up the kids and I couldn't wait to see their reaction to finally being able to hold Kirsten. And they didn't let me down. As soon as Kendall saw Kirsten she couldn't get into the bed fast enough saying "my baby, my baby." Cohen was a little hesitant at first but he even wanted a turn holding her. All in all a good day!!

First Moments 

First Bath

Big Sister

Big Brother

Kevin and Aunt Stacy

With love from the zoo

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